We serve approximately 1,000 students in three schools with a commitment to providing a quality educational environment and experience for the young people of Mayville and the surrounding area.


  • In the importance of having a growth mindset in which learning is continuous

  • All students can attain mastery of academic targets

  • Strong teacher-and-student, student-and-student, and school-and-family relationships are essential to student success

  • Student learning is the product of high quality instruction, curriculum, and assessment


  • A $24.5M building project consisting of a complete renovation of our high school, new learning spaces and safety and security updates throughout the district

  • Excellent co- and extra-curricular opportunities in the arts, athletics, and clubs

  • An extensive scholarship program for seniors which consistently awards more than $750,000 annually


Parkview Early Learning Center is the core of our Early Childhood and 4K programs.

  • Kids come FIRST

  • Small class sizes

  • Supportive and friendly staff

  • Strong student-family-community relationships

  • Focus on building foundational skills in reading, writing, math, science & social studies; multi-level support in reading and math

  • Social Emotional Skills are developed through guidance classes and Second Step


Mayville Elementary School houses grades KG-6 in an elementary classroom environment

  • A diverse population of learners supported by a positive culture

  • Hands-on/minds-on learning experiences with technology integration

  • Opportunities in leadership, fine arts, athletics, and clubs

  • Responsive to ever-changing student needs

  • Strong community partnerships that extend learning beyond the classroom


Mayville Jr/Sr High School, newly renovated to include state-of-the-art educational spaces, is home to our students in grade 7 through 12.

  • Friendly, helpful, caring staff collaborating for student success   

  • College campus feel including new fitness, technology, agriculture and virtual learning spaces   

  • Well-rounded educational experience consisting of rigorous academics, fine arts and athletics; all found in a safe and engaging environment

  • Expansive elective and vocational offerings and programs with a tradition of excellence and recognition at the state and national levels

  • Many college credit opportunities, twenty-five of which are offered onsite and face-to-face with certified MHS staff

District Brochure

District Brochure - Page 1

District Brochure - Page 2