ACP Day 2025 THANK YOU!!

ACP Day Success at MHS!

Mayville Jr/Sr High School hosted its annual Academic and Career Planning event on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025...known as ACP Day!

Students had the opportunity to participate in career planning and exploration sessions, listen to a panel of speakers made up of MHS alumni professionals, attend a career fair and network with business professionals and organizations, tour area businesses, work through post-secondary and scholarship applications, as well as ACT preparation, and take part in career and future planning-based activities. Some of our senior students were also able to engage with our younger students as mentors.

This event is held annually for our 7th-12th grade students. Our MHS team's engagement and cooperation was critical to the success of the event, as was the incredible outpouring of support and expertise provided by so many volunteers from the community and beyond.

Our gratitude to the following individuals, organizations and businesses for taking time out of their busy schedules to help our Mayville Cardinals plan their path to career readiness!

Individual Volunteers/Presenters: Nicole Thompson, Liz Herzmann, Curt Brauer, Rebecca June, Carolyn Hager, Kristin Schaefer, Alex Seefeld, Randy Hurst, Keith/Eric, Bari Gordon, Meghan Justman, Logan Wild, Becca Droessler, Matt Haass, Kasey Borkenhagen, Brian Cisar, Julie Staffin, Courtney Steger, Scott Petrack, Brandon Herrin, Jennifer Blazak, Bradly Mitchell, Eric Cruise, Conner Hanson, Aaron Hartwig, Jeremy Ziegler, Eduardo Medina, John Jacobs, Jarred Feucht

Participating Organizations (presenters or career fair participants): ABC of Wisconsin, Back-in-Action, Blaire Fire Protection, BSN Sports, C.D. Smith, CESA 6/Youth Apprenticeship, College for Rural America, Dodge County/Clearview, Feucht Trucking, Helena Agri Enterprise, IBEW Local 494, JF Ahern, John Deere, Marian University, Mayville EMT, Mayville Police Department, Mayville Tire, Mayville Utilities/Water/Wastewater Management, Mayville Golf Course & The Meating Place, MEC, Mercury Marine, Metalcraft, Michels Corporation, MPTC, Old Fashioned Foods, Oxide Computer Company, Ripon College, The Silbernagel Group, US Air Force, US Marines, USDA, UW-Madison, Michels Corp, Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories, Wisconsin DNR & Conservation, Zuern Building Products

ACP Day Coordinators: Mrs. Frami and Mr. McFadden, supported by the Jr/Sr High Staff