The MHS Exploring Active Lifestyles classes recently finished up their fishing unit. The fish might be small, but they weren't shut out! A big thank you to the Mayville Gun Club for allowing us to fish at their pond!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Active Lifestyles Fishing
Reminder! Get your MHS All Shook Up tickets today! Performance Dates: Dec. 8, 9 & 10 @ 7pm and Dec. 10 @ 1pm. Tickets can be purchased at #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
All Shook Up Musical
We have openings for Educational Assistants! Full-time, part-time and temporary positions available. We'll partner with interested candidates to find a schedule that works! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Join our Team!
Quick turnaround order for Cardinal sweatshirts! Go to to place your order by end of day Weds, 11/2! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Cardinal Sweatshirt - Dri-Fit
Cardinal Sweatshirt - Cotton
Cheer on our Varsity Football Cardinals tonight as they host Oostburg in Level II playoffs at home on Ray Dunn! Can't make it in person? Catch all of the action at: #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Cardinal Football Playoffs Link
And the winning movie is... Minions: The Rise of Gru!!!! Reminder to mark your calendars for Friday, 11/4. Free family dinner and a movie night at MES! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Meal and a Movie Night
Our Mayville Cross Country Team held their end of season celebration! Congratulations to the entire team on a great season, thanks to our coaches, and a special shout out to our two seniors Emma and Caroline! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
MHS Cross Country Team 2022-23
Cross Country Seniors
Cross Country Seniors
REMINDER! Family Meal and a Movie Night at MES! Friday, Nov. 4th, come and enjoy a free family meal and a movie, sponsored by our Mayville Food and Nutrition Services Team! Details below! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Meal and a Movie Night
TONIGHT!! Financial Aid Night presented by Mayville and Horicon High Schools! Monday, Oct. 24th in the MHS Auditorium. All seniors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome! ?'s email #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Financial Aid Night
We are thrilled to announce that tickets are now available for our Mayville High School performance of All Shook Up – The Music of Elvis Presley!! Performance Dates: Dec. 8, 9 & 10 @ 7pm and Dec. 10 @ 1pm. Tickets can be purchased at
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
All Shook Up Musical
REMINDER! Financial Aid Night presented by Mayville and Horicon High Schools! Monday, Oct. 24th in the MHS Auditorium. All seniors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome! ?'s email #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Financial Aid Night
CALLING ALL CARDINAL COMMUNITY MEMBERS!! Interested in the changes that have occurred within our school walls this past summer? Want to see the 7-12 Jr/Sr High or the 5K-6 Elementary? Interested in the Early Learning Center or seeing our new District Administration Office location? Come on in and check it out! Friday, Oct 28 from 2-3:30pm (staff inservice day). Cider and donuts will be served in all of our buildings! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Community Open House 10/28/22
MHS had 14 students attend the Women in Business Day at UW-Whitewater on Friday. This was a great opportunity for networking with recent business grads, professors, current students and administration. The young women participated in interactive workshops, a mini career fair where they learned about business majors, related careers and student organizations, and had the chance to connect with other high school students from area schools! Front: Geraldine, Rosario; Back: Kaylin, Brooklyn, Koddie, Sierra, Anna, Gianna, Isabelle, Emily, Angelina, Taylor, Kristen, Ms. Holappa, Kiah #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Women in Business 2022
SAVE THE DATE! Family Meal and a Movie Night at MES! Friday, Nov. 4th, come and enjoy a free family meal and a movie, sponsored by our Mayville Food and Nutrition Services Team! Details below! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Meal and a Movie Night
Financial Aid Night presented by Mayville and Horicon High Schools! Monday, Oct. 24th in the MHS Auditorium. All seniors and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome! ?'s email #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Financial Aid Night
Shout out to Mayville Boys' Soccer Seniors! The team won 4-0 against Berlin on Tuesday (Senior Night!)! The team's last regular season game is Thursday, 10/13, at home vs WLA at 4:30. Go Cardinals! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Boys Soccer Seniors 2022
Special shoutout to our band and colorguard leaders who led our Mayville Marching Band through an incredible halftime performance Friday night! Congrats to Isabelle N, Zachary D, and Viv S on a job well done, 7 weeks in the making! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Band Shoutout
Our annual HOCO bonfire tradition lived on Thursday night!! Thanks to our Mayville Manufacturing students for the nest and the construction efforts and our talented Art Department for the oriole! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
HOCO Bonfire
HOCO Bonfire
HOCO Bonfire
HOCO Bonfire
HOCO parade 2022!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
HOCO parade
HOCO parade
HOCO parade
Powder Puff 2022! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Powder Puff Football 2022