Still need to pick up your 2021-22 MHS yearbook? Returning students can stop by Open House at MHS on Tues, Aug 30th between 3:30-7:15pm! (Class of '22 stop by the MHS office during regular office hours!) #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Get your yearbook!
Open House is Tuesday, August 30th from 3:30-7:15 district-wide! Sign up in Skyward for a time to meet your teacher at Mayville Elementary, and stop in anytime at Parkview Early Learning and Mayville Jr/Sr High! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Open House
Tailgate with a portion of proceeds going to our local Booster Club! Stop by on the 19th, check it out and support your local Booster! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Back-in-Action Tailgate benefitting Boosters
Full-time second shift custodial position available! Join our team! Check out the details on WECAN at #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Join our Team!
Shout out to MHS Color Guard Captain, Viv S., for coming in over the summer to prep the new flags that will be featured in the Audubon Parade, as well as the Homecoming Halftime Show! If you're interested in joining the team, email Mr. Cooney to sign up! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Colorguard Flag Prep
Color Guard Flag Prep
There's still time!!! Mayville FFA Steak Fry & Corn Roast - until 6pm (or until sold out)! Mayville True Value! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
FFA Steak Fry
FFA Steak Fry
FFA Steak Fry
HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!!! Mayville FFA Steak Fry & Corn Roast - 10:30am-6pm (or until sold out)! Mayville True Value! Call ahead for large orders (920-387-2068). #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
FFA Steak Fry
REMINDER! 2021-22 MHS YEARBOOK pick-up is TODAY!! See attached for details!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Yearbooks have arrived!
Our Mayville PTA has partnered with School Tool Box to offer pre-packaged school supplies for purchase! All the work of school shopping in just a few clicks! Go to and enter zip 53050 to find your school(s)! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
School Tool Box EC-6
School Tool Box 6-7-8
Summer Youth Volleyball Camp - register now at the TAG Center in-person or online! Details below! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Youth Volleyball Camp
Check out the playground improvements that have already been made at MES! And there's even more to come! Can't wait to welcome our 5K-6th graders this fall with a much improved outdoor play area for ALL of our students to enjoy! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
MES Playground Improvements!
2021-22 MHS YEARBOOKS have arrived!! Our yearbook team will be hosting multiple pick-up times next week Monday, Aug 1st and Saturday, Aug 6th. See attached for details!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Yearbooks have arrived!
ONLINE REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN! Go to Skyward Family Access to register your student(s) for Mayville Schools today! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Online Registration is now open!
Mayville FFA Steak Fry & Corn Roast - Thurs, Aug 4th, 10:30am-6pm (or until sold out)! Come by Mayville True Value and support this great cause! Call ahead for large orders (before 8/4 920-387-7960 x4423; after 8/4 920-387-2068). #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Mayville FFA Steak Fry
If you're near UW-Whitewater this Thurs/Fri, stop in to support junior Gage R. and Mr. Cooney at the Whitewater Band Camps! Gage will be performing in the percussion ensemble as well as the concert band while Mr. Cooney will conduct the premier jazz ensemble in his 12th year as a counselor, trumpet coach, and jazz improvisation instructor. It was Hawaiian Day! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
UW Whitewater Band Camps 2022
Mayville Youth Volleyball Fall League registration is open now through July 31st! If you have an incoming 5th-8th grade girl, please see attached and contact Coach Persha with questions at! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Youth Volleyball
Youth Volleyball
JOIN OUR TEAM! We have openings on our office and library teams! Become part of our Cardinal Family! Apply on WECAN ( today! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Join our Team
Mayville Food and Nutrition Services is now delivering Summer Meals! Deliveries will be Monday-Thursday (Friday's food will be included with Thursday's delivery). To sign up for delivery, register here: #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Summer Meals Update
Mayville Cardinal 4"x6" oval, ultra removable stickers. $3 a piece! Will be sold in the Cardinal Nest School Store or by contacting! Get yours today!! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
Mayville Cardinal Oval Sticker
Is it too early to start thinking BACK TO SCHOOL...?!?! School supply lists are posted to our website whenever you're ready to “go there” (link on the main District page to our "Forms" by School, or go to your school page for a direct link)! Our PTA will also once again be sponsoring a pre-packaged school supply purchase option. More info coming soon! #mayvillecardinals #mayvilleschools #cardinalpride
over 2 years ago, Mayville School District
School Supplies Lists are Ready!